Devil, originally known as Wong Kin Ho, is a talented and passionate graffiti artist. Born in 1983 and raised in Hong Kong's public housing estates, Devil discovered his passion for graffiti at the age of 16 when he was captivated by graffiti art in a magazine. He began his artistic journey by tagging on the back stairs of his housing estate. Since then, he has fallen in love with expressing himself through spray paint and has dedicated years to honing his skills and pushing the boundaries of his art.
Today, Devil's presence can be found not only on numerous walls in the streets of Hong Kong but also in collaborations with various brands such as Chivas and Ocean Park. Through his artwork, he brings a fresh Hong Kong flavor and street style to these brands, infusing them with a unique urban element.
Devil's artistic style is characterized by solid lines and a delicate use of space. His words are neatly arranged, yet he effortlessly plays with lines, allowing them to freely traverse between the letters, creating captivating visual effects. Being familiar with Chinese characters, he is capable of incorporating intricate layers of visual effects into his strokes. Throughout his years of creation, Devil has explored various styles, including bubble letters, cartoon adaptations, and tagging. Recently, he has been experimenting with using characters he created combined with text to create engaging works.
Devil remains active in Hong Kong's art scene. To showcase his artistic vision and passion for graffiti, he has launched his own brand, dn6 family.